The 1% Difference Membership IS BACK!

Are YOU a winner who is ready for 6-figures+ and you're ready to become the best version of you and learn content, sales, building a stand out brand, and how to be the best you? The 1% Difference Membership is for you.

You already know you're a powerhouse and you were born to make a ton of money and make a huge impact.

You are ready to create "how the f*ck is this person in my head?" content & become your dream client's favorite person on social media... because you're meant for it all. It's time to show up bigger and better than ever to pull in ideal clients who's lives YOU are meant to change.

You want to learn content, sales, and mindset strategies that I've used to make $110K in the first 6 months, $250K in 12 months, and $500K my first calendar year and $1M in 27 months.

You want to post magnetic & activating content that not only attracts soulmate clients and makes you big money…. But it feels aligned and FIRES you up.

You're ready to develop the skills that only the 1% has to build a business that has you wake up thinking “holy sh*t.. I can’t believe this is my life”?

You're ready to step out of your comfort zone and develop the confidence required to grow a massive business and BE even more of who you know you already are... a. fkn. winner.

If this sounds like you, The 1% Difference Membership was made for you.

When you join, you will get immediate access to:
💫 1️⃣ A Private Community
Hold yourself to higher standards and stay consistent while being around a group of likeminded people who are pushing for the same goal. When people say "get into the right rooms" this is what they're talking about. 

💫 2️⃣ Signature Courses + HOURS of content

Teaching you what to do and who to be to scale your business to six figures and beyond (more details at the bottom)

💫 3️⃣ Content Strategies to Convert
Learn the exact content strategies I’ve used to grow a following of 385,000+, make $50-$90K cash months, $1M in 27 months & create a stand out brand at the same time. Learn exactly how to create oddly specific content & become a person people want to buy from. 

You'll receive clear strategies, prompts, and trainings so you know what to post and why it works.

💫 4️⃣ Non-Salesy, Non-Sleazy Sales Strategies 
Learn sales strategies, email marketing, and how I navigated DM conversations that helped me make $1M online without sales calls, cold DMs, or follow ups

I believe in creating a brand where people come to you - not you chasing them down. Learn how to do this by leveraging your unique ability so you stand out in a crowded market.

💫 5️⃣ The 1% Difference Formula
I know that you know it's not just about having an offer and posting 3x per day. It's WHO you are while doing it. People don't give up because of the lack of information... it's the lack of implementation WITH the right mindset.

The inner work is just as important as the outer work. THIS is what separates this membership from everything else out there.

Not only will you get more information and strategy in this membership to grow your business than you've EVER gotten for the price, you will learn how to develop your confidence, mental toughness, and resilience required to handle the hard times when they come.

 $111 per month. Cancel anytime. 

Client Results...

I'm Maddie.

I'm a wife, French bulldog mom of 3, + a multi 6 Figure Business and Mindset Mentor. I started my first business in April of 2022 after spending years "thinking about it."

It took me years to start because of the shitty stories I would tell myself that would hold me back. When I finally decided to start after letting fear hold me back for over 2 years, I went ALL in.

I began my first business in the most "saturated" space ever.... the fitness industry. I was encouraged NOT to start because I didn't fit the stereotypical "fit girl" look as I was still going through my own weight loss journey. I was told the space already had so many people and I was too late. ALL bullish*t. I knew who I was, what I could do, and what I had to bring to the table.

Within 6 months of starting, I became the 1%. I made $110,000 at the end of my 6th month, and $250,000 my first 12 months. I didn't prove them wrong - I proved ME right.

HOW? Aligned and authentic sales & marketing strategy backed by a SUPER solid mindset. 💎

 After making $1M cash in 27 months online, I've noticed the differences between those who make it big and those who don't - 1️⃣ Their mind. 2️⃣ Their self trust. 3️⃣ Their ability to be brave. 4️⃣ Their ability to keep moving when they experience setbacks. That's it.

MOST people will buy the courses, post daily, create the programs, check the boxes yet not see big results. WHY? There's a little voice in the back of their head saying "can I really even make that kind of money? am I doing this right? am I worthy of this? everyone's doing this... can I too? my competitor did this... should I do this too?" and THIS is exactly what is holding people back.

You can follow any strategy in the world but if your mind is not on board with the person you want to become and the business you want to have, you're not going to have it....

THAT is where The 1% Membership comes in.

❌I don't only give you the strategies necessary to grow your business, I give you the 1% mentality, the personal development, and mindset trainings so you can design your life from the inside out and SEE the life you want as your reality.

🔥When you combine creating binge-worthy + highly converting content WITH a high sense of self, unwavering standards, and personal power... you're well on your way to becoming that 1% & making big money.

Signature Mindset Videos: Mad Money Mindset ($497 value)
Get immediate access to over 2 hours of mindset video content  to teach you
how to step by step how to reprogram your mindset for long term wins in your business.

I provide you with the roadmap to grow your business, make thousands of dollars, and gain hundreds and thousands of followers... But you’ll only follow those strategies if you believe you can do it. Implement the trainings in these videos and you’ll be thinking and acting like a rich b*tch in no time.
Content Codes + 6 Weeks of Content ($777 value)
When you join, every week for 6 weeks you will be given new content prompts proven to convert. This will help you create converting content and give you structure to follow as you build your community and brand. These are meant to provide you with the momentum needed to grow.
Monthly Live Q&A Call ($897 monthly value)
Get access to a live Q&A call where you can get your questions answered live by ME. When you log into the membership, you'll be able to see the Q&A call times scheduled ahead so you can plan in advance to make the calls. Can't make it? You'll get the replays.
Selling On Stories ($497 value)
Learn exactly how to use Instagram stories to make daily sales in your business without chasing anybody down or sending cold DMs…. ever. This alone is worth thousands.
When you join today, you will get...
❤️‍🔥A Private group Q&A call: A private Q&A session for members only to ask me any question they want ($997 monthly Value)

❤️‍🔥The Signature 1% Difference Formula: My signature process that will make your mind absolutely unfuckwithable so you can show up as the highest version of you. ($997 Value)

❤️‍🔥Content That Converts Course: Learn how to make the 4 types of content that are PROVEN to convert buyers. ($997 Value)

❤️‍🔥Content Codes + 6 Weeks of Content: Learn how to master your ideal client and be given 2 content prompts daily, every day, for 6 weeks. ($777 Value)

❤️‍🔥Build a Disruptive Brand Course: Position yourself as an authoritative leader in your space who STICKS OUT. ($497 Value)

❤️‍🔥Non Sleazy Sales Course: Learn sales techniques that don't include cold DMing/free sales calls, how to convert in the DMs, and email marketing. ($597 Value)

❤️‍🔥Signature Mad Money Mindset Course: Lack of strategy doesn't make people quit - their mind does. Take care of the mind, the rest will follow. ($497 Value)


❤️‍🔥TikTok Viral Masterclass: A 44 minute long Masterclass reviewing my most viral TikTok (100K-Millions of views) and explanation as to why they went viral ($297 Value)

❤️‍🔥Instagram Viral Masterclass: A 29 minute long Masterclass reviewing my most viral and highly converting carousel posts and explanation as to why ($297 Value)

❤️‍🔥Selling on IG Stories: How I convert $27-$25,000 offers in my Instagram stories and how you can do it too ($497 Value)

❤️‍🔥A community of DRIVEN, READY TO WIN entrepreneurs who are ready to operate like the 1% (Priceless)

💫 Behind the scenes access from me showing what it really takes behind the scenes to develop the skills necessary to grow a massive business 

💫 NOT just the how-tos, but the WHO I needed to be to make $500,000 in my first full calendar year in my business and $1M in 27 months

Value: $6,450

Get it today for $111/month
Who is this membership for?
This membership is perfect for winners. I could end this here.

This is for someone who is all in and is looking to take their business to the next level financially, and they're willing to do what it takes to get there. If you want to master content creation to drive more aligned clients to their social media to make more money, this is the place for you. If you are working on visibility, growing aligned followers, and growing your socials... this is for you. If you are serious about doing the inner work required to be even more successful, this is for you.

❌This is NOT good for someone who's planning on bingeing the content for 35 hours straight and expecting overnight results. Not a winner mentality.

❌This is NOT good for someone who doesn't value community and being held to a higher standard.

❌This is NOT good for someone who is satisfied in complacency and average.

❌This is NOT good for someone who makes excuses and doesn't take accountability for their life or results.
Is there a contract?
Nope - You can stay as long as you'd like or leave whenever.
Am I locked in at my rate?
Yes, as long as you remain an active member. If you cancel, you will be subject to whatever the current rate is if you resign.
Does this membership really include this much value for the
Yes, it does. The point of this membership is accessibility to anyone serious about changing their business and their life. There is no other business membership out there that will provide as much value for the money as this one. You will receive instant access to hours of trainings and clear action to take for your business and you'll never want to leave. 
Any questions about the membership? 
DM me on Instagram here

If you have no questions… I’ll see you inside!
Copyright 2024 - Maddie Kossin - All Rights Reserved